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Want to add a famous quote to a shirt design?

My next thought were about quotes. I have seen quotes and sayings on shirts and thought the idea of famous quotes seems like a great way to tap in to a pre-installed audience. Obviously we would all like this, and usually have to pay for the privilege.

This also made me wonder about memes. I realize a meme pic isn't necessarily a great shirt design, but we have all seen pop-culture blurbs on t-shirts.

Well, again, I found that this isn't a great way to get a installed audience. This very detailed post explained that copyright law actually protects quotes. A person can quote someone in conversation and reference the original speaker, but one can not print the saying on a shirt.

So, how does one get permission to use a quote? Another great article describes the process of doing just that. .

While a lawyer will be needed to actually execute such a contract, at least now, we know what is possible and how to do it.

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